
chyotto tsukurimasu

 + + weed weave + +

\/ plant paint mo ich do \/


! open !


if you're going to stay anywhere in lake yamanakako area, its gotta be hotorinite
a traditional guest house with tatami mat flooring,
 old ofuroya and lovely staff. (and this view from the window.)

con brio deliciousness

hand knit

paper folding chopstick style







tạm biệt ::: last day

it had to be filled with all the things that made my time there. (most of them involve food and drink!) 
it started with getting up to watch the sunrise in the garden, and then a last sweaty, red faced run around lenin park with the crumping ladies, ballroom dancing and tai chi.  

then straight to mai cafe for a coffee sua da and a read of the newspaper. . .

a small crowd was gathered around a stall nearby and sticking my head in there convinced me that a take away bánh mỹ was the perfect breakfast ... i sat on a bench next to orange flowers overlooking Ho thien Quan lake. a man on a bicycle rode past, laughed at me, rang his bell and said bánh m! so must have also thought it was a good idea.

after that i walked into hoan kiem to post a letter to my far away sister and wasn't annoyed by the beautiful sudden downpour that forced me to venture up a tiny little staircase to a blue balcony and another coffee. 

the walk back home led me past red lanterns and moon cakes,(hello mid-autumn festival!) and into a small alley overflowing with plants.

 i thought it was definitely time for another stop so climbed flights of stairs to another little balcony. this one completely engulfed in greenery and pink flowers. the trà da and coolish breeze kept me there taking in the sleepy afternoon goings on below. 

i took the longest way home through winding streets and sunshine for the inevitable bag pack. 


 bag pack =  hungry and tired so ventured out for a last bánh cuốn.i watched the thin rice flour pancake being rolled out, stuffed with spiced pork, onion and mushroom, rolled up and sprinkled with friend shallots and mint, and then dipped it in the fish sauce and lime juice accompanying. mmm mmm

i thought i would sleep for an hour before going to the airport but Dao had other plans and took me out for che, again, and then badminton in the courtyard of a temple near our house. this was one of the things i had wanted to do in hanoi and thought i wouldn't get to. the perfect end to my time!

a last goodbye to the courtyard

the green tiles

and the view.